Come to the Table Original Oil Painting

$3,600.00 $2,900.00 Sale
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Come to the Table

Original oil painting on gallery wrap stretched canvas 30" 40" x1.5"

Step into the intimate embrace of your secret place where Jesus Himself has prepared a table overflowing with abundance just for you. This is your invitation for deeper communion with the One who meets your every need, offering peace, joy, and His very presence.


Here you are hidden from all threats and distractions, welcomed into a sacred space of belonging, safety, and rest. It is the communion feast, where Jesus is your Bread and Wine, nourishing you with His life and love.


Every detail in this painting reflects the heart of the divine:

The buck represents the Spirit's perfect peace and stillness.

The light signifies His glorious presence of goodness and mercy. He is the Word illuminating your path.

The table perfectly set by the Father is your rightful dwelling, a promise of eternal abundance in Him.


Your Bridegroom waits for you here, inviting you to feast on His unending glory, joy, and peace. Come to the table of intimacy where you live and dwell in the fullness of God’s love. He is all you will ever need.


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