Collectors and Testimonies

Some of Claudia's Collectors 

Collector Candace

What Makes a Collector? Candace–the Warrior Bride

This is my latest piece by Claudia. I saw her post it right after she finished, and I immediately reached out to ask if she still had the original, because I knew I had to have it. Claudia confirmed she did, and I felt deep within me that acquiring this piece was a prophetic act, marking a new season I was about to enter. Revelation 19 speaks of both men and women as the “Bride of Christ,” but I sensed this painting was a reflection of me as a bride, both in the physical and spiritual sense.

I felt compelled to get this painting as a step of faith, holding on to the dream God had given me years ago about becoming an earthly wife and mother. At that time, there were no prospects on the horizon, so it was truly a leap of faith. Now, a year and a half later, I am happily engaged to a wonderful man of God, and our love story is one only God could have written.

This painting also gave me the courage to fight in the spiritual realm for the desires God placed in my heart, while also reminding me to lay them at Jesus' feet and be still when needed. Just as warriors don’t fight recklessly but with careful strategy, there are times God calls us to actively engage and other times to trust Him and His timing. May you walk closely with Him, discerning when to pick up your sword and fight, and when to lay it down and let Him fight for you.

Michelle Shares Her Connection to Quantum Leap

When I first saw Quantum Shift it resonated with me because it expressed in picture what God is teaching me. The description and verse that goes with the painting confirmed it. This painting encapsulates truths the Lord want me to walk in. That He is not bound by time or space, and I am seated with him. That the veil is torn, and I have access to the other side. While the original was significantly more than the prints, but the size and vibrant colors of the original drew me in. I knew I was meant to own it. I took several months to purchase it, but I do not regret it. I love this painting and so does everyone who comes over! Every time I look at it, I am reminded of the vastness and possibilities available to me because of Jesus.

Susana with Surrender

The painting Surrender serves as a constant reminder of the need to be fully surrendered to Him. It feels like a treasure map, guiding me deeper into the places He wants to take me. There are symbols within the painting that reflect moments of intimacy, where His voice has spoken clearly to me, filling the atmosphere with His love, peace, trust, tenderness, and calm.

Susana with Awakening Breath

Awakening Breath—the lion in this painting is my lion, the one I saw in those sacred moments of intimacy with Him. When He speaks, He releases freedom, creativity, life, fire, joy, hope, power, and authority. Every time I look at the painting, I am reminded of how He constantly speaks with power into our lives.

Judith Created Her Encounter Sanctuary

Look at my photo wall! I’m absolutely thrilled with how it turned out. They installed it just this morning, and as I sit here gazing at it, I can truly feel His anointing and Presence. My mind might try to tell me it’s just my imagination, but my heart overflows and my spirit senses His presence in a way that feels almost tangible. I’m going to sit here for a while, soaking it all in. This is what I’ve been waiting for, and I somehow knew this wall painting would make a difference—and it certainly does.

I wasn’t sure why at first, but the Lord revealed to me that this painting symbolizes my restoration in a way that’s undeniable. I am restored, and this constant reminder will be with me every day. Along with my tattoo (a visible symbol of who I am and what I carry), this painting titled “Restored” reaffirms my identity in a profoundly powerful way.
